Miese Scammer
+++++++ Links +++++++
👉 Piraten-Überfall: Frau fällt auf kuriose Betrugsgeschichte herein (2017)
Es war eine äußerst kuriose Geschichte, die unbekannte Betrüger einer Frau aus Penzberg auftischten - sie zahlte trotzdem.
👉 Losses from ‘heart-wrenching’ puppy scams increase 1,000% over last two years (2022)
Australian consumer group Choice says people more vulnerable to being ripped off with fake dogs and cats during Covid pandemic
👉 He Made $126 Million On Overpriced Printer Toner Scam, Now Jailed For 4 Years (2021)
A man who overcharged customers for printer toner has been sentenced to four years in federal prison after defrauding over 50,000 individuals over six decades, earning over $126 million along the way.
👉 Beware of scammers when shopping for ammo online (2022)
Outdoors columnist Don Martin says gun owners need to beware of scammers when shopping online for hard-to-find ammunition.
👉 Pure Bit: Ein kurioser Exit-Scam (2018)
Das ist selbst für die krisengeschüttelte Krypto-Community ein ungewöhnlicher Fall: Nach dem Exit-Scam des südkoreanischen ICO Pure Bit zeigen sich die Gründer geläutert und wollen ihre Opfer nun kompensieren.
👉 Angeblicher Weltall-Hilferuf: Falscher Astronaut nimmt Frau aus (2022)
Sie wollte seine Liebe, er wollte ihr Geld. Ein Fake-Astronaut betrügt eine Japanerin um Tausende Euro, um aus dem Weltall auf die Erde zurückzukehren.
👉 Onlinescam: 65-jährige Frau zahlt „Rückflugticket zur Erde“ für Astronauten
Ein vermeintlicher Astronaut hat eine Frau dazu gebracht, ihm mehr als 30.000 Euro zu überweisen. Der kuriose Fall von Love-Scamming im Detail.
👉 Betrug mit QR-Codes - US-Polizei warnt vor Abzocke an Parkscheinautomaten (2022)
Das Comeback der QR-Codes hat auch eine Schattenseite: Betrüger nutzen den bequemen Smartphone-Scan aus, um ihre Opfer in die Falle zu locken. Das zeigt ein Phishing-Fall aus den USA.
👉 Austin Police Department via Twitter (2022)
APD Financial Crimes detectives are investigating after fraudulent QR code stickers were discovered on City of Austin public parking meters. People attempting to pay for parking using those QR codes may have been directed to a fraudulent website and made a payment.
👉 QR code scams are on the rise. Here's how to avoid getting duped (2022)
You see QR codes just about everywhere these days. The square barcodes show up everywhere: real estate listings, TV ads and social media posts touting what look like great deals on must-have items.
👉 Online Employment Scams (2022)
Scammers are using advanced tactics to appear legitimate. Scammers use a ‘fake maker’ to construct a realistic online presence to help sell the scam. They create fake company websites or clone real ones, fake banks with websites, official looking employment documents like offer forms, tax forms, personal information forms, and banking deposit information forms.
👉 A fake job scam could quickly drain your bank account. This is how
Could you fall for a fake job scam?
If you’re like Sam Erin, you probably answered “no!” She’s a college-educated young adult who was sure she knew how to spot a con game. That is until a phony employment crime ring preyed on her naivety and stole nearly $9,000 from her.
👉 Robin Hood der Scamming-Opfer: So eindrucksvoll belästigt ein YouTuber Kriminelle (2020)
In seiner YouTube-Serie "Spying on the Scammers" enttarnt Jim Browning ein illegales Call-Center. Die Kriminellen sperren Windows-Rechner und geben sich anschließend als Support-Mitarbeiter aus. Die Dokumentation zeigt eindrucksvoll, wie die Betrüger arbeiten.
👉 Kitboga: Scammers Expected $5,000 But Grandma Buys A Scooter
Refund scammers were hoping that their trick would convince me to give them $5,000. Much to their dismay, grandma uses all the money to buy a mobility scooter right in front of their eyes.
👉 Scammer Payback: youtube
If you want to become a successful YouTuber these days, you’ve gotta have a great gimmick. That means getting a great name for starters, and it’s hard to beat Scammer Payback.
But it’s not just a superb name, Scammer Payback is what he does. He also goes by the nickname “Pierogi,” so if you’re getting the idea that he’s not exactly eager to do a full reveal or bio, you’re on the right track.
👉 List of confidence tricks (2022)
Confidence tricks and scams are difficult to classify, because they change often and often contain elements of more than one type. Throughout this list, the perpetrator of the confidence trick is called the "con artist" or simply "artist", and the intended victim is the "mark". Particular scams are mainly directed toward elderly people, as they may be credulous and sometimes inexperienced or insecure, especially when the scam involves modern technology such as computers and the internet. This list should not be considered complete but covers the most common examples.
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